Thanks (Memorial Day)

Know anyone who has shown true love? John 13:12-14 -
12My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. 14You are my friends if you do what I command.

I've had lots of family in the military.  Both my grandfathers were involved in WW2.  One was a paratrooper in the US.  The other a part of the Dutch resistance in the Netherlands.

The Army put my father through medical school (and I was born at Ft. Gordon).  One of my best friends is a Marine and served in Iraq.

But I did not lose (to my knowledge) any close family in any conflicts.  There are those though, who, in service to this country (and others!!!), have laid their lives down for me.  Sure, they didn't know me, but I'd lift up their sacrifice as a means of grace in my life.  In a way, such a sacrifice raises this person above the nature of the conflict and shows a kind of faith and conviction that is a true Christian ideal.  I'm not talking blind faith, but strict obedience.  I hope that your sacrifice will encourage me and my Christian brothers and sisters to re-evaluate their own lives and the impact we make on those who come after us.

If someone can live/die for our country - surely I could live/die for our God?

Just wanted to say thanks.


  1. Thanks for your sincere Memorial Day blog. We look forward to your coronation - I mean ordination on June 5. - Love, Jim & Carol (:-)


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