Continuing my assault on labels, perceptions, and how much you think you know about life; I offer this:

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Look at it until you realize it isn't what you thought you were looking at. Weird huh? If you are still having trouble, look at the left one. Look at the right one. See it yet? They are spinning in different directions even if you brain doesn't realize it yet. Which direction is the center one spinning?
We can't even get our eyes and our brain to see things correctly - how are we going to understand the resurrection?!
Sometimes trying to understand Jesus is like this gif - you think you know where he is going with it and BAM, he's actually moving in the opposite way. Tis the language and intent of the Kingdom of God (First/Last, mighty/humble, greatest/least). This is why Jesus wouldn't tell where his authority came from. He spins both ways =P
Understanding the Cross and the resurrection that follows takes new eyes. Get ready. He loves in a way that cannot be contained and won't be stopped.
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Look at it until you realize it isn't what you thought you were looking at. Weird huh? If you are still having trouble, look at the left one. Look at the right one. See it yet? They are spinning in different directions even if you brain doesn't realize it yet. Which direction is the center one spinning?
We can't even get our eyes and our brain to see things correctly - how are we going to understand the resurrection?!
Sometimes trying to understand Jesus is like this gif - you think you know where he is going with it and BAM, he's actually moving in the opposite way. Tis the language and intent of the Kingdom of God (First/Last, mighty/humble, greatest/least). This is why Jesus wouldn't tell where his authority came from. He spins both ways =P
Understanding the Cross and the resurrection that follows takes new eyes. Get ready. He loves in a way that cannot be contained and won't be stopped.
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