God's work continues on.

With standard apologies for a war reference to my peace-loving friends, all is quiet on the western front. But this, in itself, is a bit of a joke. Because God never quits moving.

True, in our office here are few people working. We are about to have a very short staff meeting - but its pretty quiet here at RUMC. This is misleading however. I know there are people in the hospitals in Birmingham. I know mission trips are being planned as you read this for Jamaica. I know God is moving, prepping people for 2009.

Maybe I'm telling you this too soon. Perhaps you were hoping for a little more fluff before you got serious about God's work in 2009.

But there is no time! There are two more days in this year that we will never have again. How could we not take advantage of those?

Its times like these that I have to ask myself the question...how much rest is too much? Or too little? I have friends who feel they can never slow down lest they miss an opportunity. I have other friends who just let life hit them in the face and they are never very motivated.

Certainly there is a middle ground. I would like to point out, that while God may never rest (living God, never sleeps, yaddayadda), we are commanded to rest on our Sabbath.

I hope you find your Sabbath, but on the other six days may God light a fire under your rear.

And, my friends, I promised some stuff on Rob Bell's new book. Its coming, its coming...like I said, things are slow.
