Day 33 of Lent

Just because Christ is *for* us doesn't mean he is *against* them. God is always for them, too. In fact, it's God's desire that all come to knowledge of the living God through Christ.

It would be a lot more accurate to say they are against God, rather than saying God is against them. But aren't we all in some way? The closer you get to knowing and appreciating the love/grace of God the more you realize we are, by and large, in the same boat - in need of grace, forgiveness, redemption in light of our grasping for good in a world that is broken.  Aren't we just playing with labels?


An Englishman emigrated to the United States and became and American citizen.
When he went back to England for a vacation, one of his relatives reprimanded him for changing his citizenship.

"What have you gained by becoming an American citizen?"
"Well, for one thing, I win the American Revolution," was the answer. 
(Anthony De Mello)


If Christ is for us, who can be against us?

This isn't just a matter of who we don't have to fear anymore. This is about how much we can love without fear of condemnation. This isn't about putting up walls - it is about tearing them down. It isn't about them, it is, ultimately, about God and us. Will he not graciously give us all things? How can I not be the man of God I'm called to be with the full resources of the abundant love of Jesus Christ?

I often hear Christians say in moments of exasperation, "Well, at least God won't give me more than I can handle." - What kind of perspective is that?  God doesn't give us pain, frustration, or suffering.  God gives us more love than we can possibly grasp.  I'd love to hear a Christian (after being attacked for going too far) say, "WAHOOOO, God gives me more than I can handle!!!!"

Christ is for us. He's for you, me, and anyone you could possibly meet.

We are almost to Jerusalem....
